The Correlation between Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease

 Heart health is always a big priority when it comes to taking care of the body. The heart is a muscle and like all the others, it also needs ample exercise to stay strong. The arteries and blood vessels need regular exercise to keep up a healthy flow of blood. So, an active person has lesser chances to contract the cases of heart attack or any other cardiac condition.

Myths Surrounding Exercise and the Heart

Exercise Causes Heart Strain and Increases Risk of Heart Disease – The heart is also a muscle and it is designed so as to endure exercise. Regular physical activity makes it even stronger.

Individuals who have Suffered from Heart Attacks Should not Exercise – If a professional prescribes the exercise then it is not only safe but is good for the heart after surviving an attack. However, it is highly important to follow the guidelines prescribed.

High Blood Pressure Patients should not Exercise – There is a misconception that exercise constricts the blood vessels and raises the blood pressure. During the exercise session, it might be true but in the long run it actually helps in reducing the blood pressure.

Athletes have had Heart Attacks andExercise could not Save Them – There have been athletes who have suffered attacks during strenuous competitions but such cases are very rare. It also does not mean that exercise caused the attacks. There has been a huge amount of research done which point to the fact that exercise actually reduces the chances of a heart attack. 

Correct Advice is Crucial

If there is a risk of having a cardiac arrest or an individual has been diagnosed with any such disease then the best thing to be done is to get the best form of medical advice. Not only exercise but correct diet, sleep and a general healthy lifestyle goes a long way to fix the situation.

Moreover, if the habit of exercise is inculcated in an individual since childhood then the future becomes a comparatively healthy one by default. 


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